Hey there, I’m Em.
Your family photos can feel like a lot of things: sweet, wild, quiet, chaotic, joyful…all of those emotions that catch you off-guard, pushing the limits of your love— and sometimes your patience. It can take a little while to get into a groove where you let go. Try to start there. You’ll allow genuine moments to unfold that are far more worthy of remembering…
Random Facts
My husband and I communicate through movie quotes.
Every single night before my son goes to bed, he hides and yells “Ready!” so when I come up he can scare the crap out of me- this has been going on for about 8 years.
I have a 30-gallon storage container filled to the brim with candid photos, taken entirely on disposable cameras. If you knew me growing up, it’s safe to say I have stacks of your memories in my “bin-o-pics”.
Summer outdoor live shows have my heart.

What brought me to this.
Photography has always been a love of mine but it wasn’t completely intentional until about 8 years ago. I had been home with my son since birth and I was going through a time…you know, the moment you realize you’ve sort of lost yourself among the chaos? I needed a way to channel my creative energy and figure out what it was that fueled me.
A Canon Rebel gifted to my husband for graduation had been sitting in the closet for years at this point. I got it out, charged it, put it on full auto, and took a photo of my son Jack bursting out of a lidded hamper, pretending to be a jack-in-the-box. It was like an “aha” moment. I felt the spark and fell completely in love. I poured over every ounce of education I could get my hands on until I knew how to use that thing like it was an extension of myself. But it was way more than just taking the photos. It got me out into the world, endlessly exploring whatever seemed interesting. Shortly after, friends and others started reaching out for photos of their kids and families and that brings us to now.
I’m still as excited as I was in the very beginning. I still tear up as I’m looking at photos from a session for the first time. I’m still in awe that people allow me into their space, trusting me to notice what they see, and what they wish to remember. There’s just nothing else like it.
(Photos by Heart Sung Photography + Ramsey Baker Photography)

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